The global pandemic COVID-19 illustrates just how interconnected our planet is. It calls on us to do a far better job of understanding and acknowledging the strong links between human health and nature. The Data Reporting Tool for Multilateral Environmental Agreements or DaRT is a powerful tool that aims to strengthen our understanding of the linkages between the global biodiversity, sustainable development and health agendas.

UNEP is committed to strengthening cooperation and synergies across Multilateral Environmental Agreements, globally, regionally and nationally. Environmental challenges know no boundaries and therefore we need to work together to protect and sustain ALL life on this planet.

An ambitious, measurable, relevant and transformational post-2020 global biodiversity framework will require us to significantly increase cooperation at all levels, moving beyond the corridors of environment ministries to include relevant Ministries that deal with the drivers of biodiversity loss whether land use change, climate change, pollution, natural resource use and exploitation, or invasive species.

DaRT can fill these gaps by promoting effective knowledge management across Ministries and administrative units enhancing synergies across conventions and increasing effectiveness of national efforts to achieve global environmental targets.

My gratitude for the support of the European Union and Switzerland that has made this platform possible. I invite Parties of the MEAs to test, use and contribute to future development of the DaRT so we may collaborate more closely together and live in harmony with nature.


Inger Andersen

Executive Director

UN Environment Programme