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TARGET 14. Integrate Biodiversity in Decision-Making at Every Level

TARGET 14. Integrate Biodiversity in Decision-Making at Every Level

Ensure the full integration of biodiversity and its multiple values into policies, regulations, planning and development processes, poverty eradication strategies, strategic environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments and, as appropriate, national accounting, within and across all levels of government and across all sectors, in particular those with significant impacts on biodiversity, progressively aligning all relevant public and private activities, fiscal and financial flows with the goals and targets of this framework.


Headline indicator:

  • -

Component indicator:

  • Number of countries with Implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting

Complementary indicators:

  • Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP)
  • CO2 emission per unit of value added
  • Change in water-use efficiency over time

Mapping with CBD - Aichi Targets

Aichi Target 2

By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes and are being incorporated into national accounting, as appropriate, and reporting systems.

Mapping with Sustainable Development Goals

SDG Target 15.9

By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts


Target 5.1. By 2029, Parties have mechanisms in place, including national legislation and enforcement mechanisms where relevant, to fully implement the Convention, its Resolutions and Decisions.

Explanation: Parties can demonstrate that they have national legislation, policies and plans in place that enables them to fully implement the obligations under CMS, especially Articles III and IV. Furthermore, Parties can provide evidence of comprehensive and effective enforcement of the legislation. 

Target 5.4. By 2032, CMS provisions are included in relevant national planning processes and policies for the benefit of migratory species and the ecosystem services they provide.

Explanation: The Convention’s mandates, provisions and agenda are incorporated into national legislation frameworks and strategies relevant to migratory species (e.g., NBSAPs and NDCs). 

Target 5.5. By 2029, Parties work collaboratively with other governments on actions and initiatives to implement CMS, its Resolutions and Decisions and associated guidance.

Explanation: Parties collaborate with other governments through joint concerted actions, species listing proposals and other collaborative actions to implement CMS, its Resolutions and Decisions and associated guidance.

Target 6.4. By 2032, provisions that support CMS are included and strengthened in other relevant international instruments, policies and initiatives, and in the strategic priorities of relevant stakeholders for the benefit of migratory species.

Explanation: CMS mandates, provisions and priorities are taken into consideration in the decisions and initiatives of other environmental and sustainable development-related international instruments, policies and initiatives, including under the UN (e.g., NBSAPs, NDCs), as well as in relevant stakeholder strategic processes. 

Mapping with 4th Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024

Ramsar Target 1

Wetland benefits are featured in national/local policy strategies and plans relating to key sectors such as water, energy, mining, agriculture, tourism, urban development, infrastructure, industry, forestry, aquaculture, fisheries at the national and local level.

  • 19% of Parties have made assessment of ecosystem services of Ramsar Sites. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 70% of Parties have included wetland issues within national strategies and planning processes such as water resource management and water efficiency plans. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 47% of Contracting Parties have included wetland issues within National Policies or measures on agriculture. (National Reports to COP12).
  • % of Parties that have made assessment of ecosystem services of Ramsar Sites. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have included wetland issues within national strategies and planning processes such as water resource management and water efficiency plans. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have included wetland issues within National Policies or measures on agriculture. (Data source: National Reports).
Ramsar Target 13

Enhanced sustainability of key sectors such as water, energy, mining, agriculture, tourism, urban development, infrastructure, industry, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, when they affect wetlands, contributing to biodiversity conservation and human livelihoods.




Possible further indicators that may be developed

  • {Indicators related to the relevant sectors especially using or linking to relevant Aichi Target indicators and other relevant international processes}.

Mapping with Strategic Framework for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 2020–2030