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Target 3.2. By 2032, the direct mortality of migratory species caused by human-made infrastructure is significantly reduced to levels that are not harmful to species’ viability.

Target 3.2. By 2032, the direct mortality of migratory species caused by human-made infrastructure is significantly reduced to levels that are not harmful to species’ viability.

Explanation: Steps are taken to eliminate and/or reduce the direct mortality of migratory species caused by infrastructure, including collision, electrocution, disturbance and migratory route deviation. This includes actions to sustainably design and operate such infrastructure and to monitor impacts while in operation. 

Mapping with Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

TARGET 1. Plan and Manage all Areas To Reduce Biodiversity Loss

Ensure that all areas are under participatory integrated biodiversity inclusive spatial planning and/or effective management processes addressing land and sea use change, to bring the loss of areas of high biodiversity importance, including ecosystems of high ecological integrity, close to zero by 2030, while respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.


Headline indicators:

  • A.1 Red List of Ecosystems
  • A.2 Extent of natural ecosystems
  • 1.1 Percent of land and sea area covered by biodiversity-inclusive spatial plans*

Component indicator:

  • Priority retention of intact / wilderness areas

 Complementary indicators:

  • Number of countries using natural capital accounts in planning processes
  • Percentage of spatial plans utilizing information on key biodiversity areas
  • Habitat patches located within marine protected areas or integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
  • Other spatial management plans (not captured as ICZM or marine spatial planning)
  • Number of countries using ocean accounts in planning processes
  • Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation
  • Percent of total land area that is under cultivation
  • Extent of natural ecosystems by type Number of countries implementing national legislation, policies or other measures regarding FPIC related to conservation
  • Ecosystem Integrity Index