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Target 5.1. By 2029, Parties have mechanisms in place, including national legislation and enforcement mechanisms where relevant, to fully implement the Convention, its Resolutions and Decisions.

Target 5.1. By 2029, Parties have mechanisms in place, including national legislation and enforcement mechanisms where relevant, to fully implement the Convention, its Resolutions and Decisions.

Explanation: Parties can demonstrate that they have national legislation, policies and plans in place that enables them to fully implement the obligations under CMS, especially Articles III and IV. Furthermore, Parties can provide evidence of comprehensive and effective enforcement of the legislation. 

Mapping with Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

TARGET 5. Ensure Sustainable, Safe and Legal Harvesting and Trade of Wild Species

Ensure that the use, harvesting and trade of wild species is sustainable, safe and legal, preventing overexploitation, minimizing impacts on non-target species and ecosystems, and reducing the risk of pathogen spill-over, applying the ecosystem approach, while respecting and protecting customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities.


Headline indicator:

  • 5.1 Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels

Component indicators:

  • Red List Index for used species
  • Living Planet Index for used species
  • Sustainable use of wild species

Complementary indicators:

  • Sustainable watershed and inland fisheries index
  • Red List Index (for internationally traded species and for migratory species)
  • Marine Stewardship Council Fish catch
  • Total catch of cetaceans under the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
  • By-catch of vulnerable and non-target species
  • Degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
  • Proportion of legal and illegal wildlife trade consisting of species threatened with extinction
  • Illegal trade by CITES species classification
  • Number of countries incorporating trade in their national biodiversity policy
  • Proportion of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecological regions which are conserved by protected areas or other effective area-based conservation measures
  • Implementation of measures designed to minimize the impacts of fisheries and hunting on migratory species and their habitats
  • Number of MSC Chain of Custody Certification holders by distribution country
  • Trends of trade and commercialization in biodiversity-based products that is sustainable and legal (in line with BioTrade Principles and/or CITES requirements)
TARGET 14. Integrate Biodiversity in Decision-Making at Every Level

Ensure the full integration of biodiversity and its multiple values into policies, regulations, planning and development processes, poverty eradication strategies, strategic environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments and, as appropriate, national accounting, within and across all levels of government and across all sectors, in particular those with significant impacts on biodiversity, progressively aligning all relevant public and private activities, fiscal and financial flows with the goals and targets of this framework.


Headline indicator:

  • -

Component indicator:

  • Number of countries with Implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting

Complementary indicators:

  • Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP)
  • CO2 emission per unit of value added
  • Change in water-use efficiency over time
TARGET 16. Enable Sustainable Consumption Choices To Reduce Waste and Overconsumption

Ensure that people are encouraged and enabled to make sustainable consumption choices including by establishing supportive policy, legislative or regulatory frameworks, improving education and access to relevant and accurate information and alternatives, and by 2030, reduce the global footprint of consumption in an equitable manner, including through halving global food waste, significantly reducing overconsumption and substantially reducing waste generation, in order for all people to live well in harmony with Mother Earth.


Headline indicator:

  • -

Component indicators:

  • Food waste Index
  • Material footprint per capita
  • Global environmental impacts of consumption
  • Ecological footprint

Complementary indicators:

  • Extent to which (a) global citizenship education and (b) education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights, are mainstreamed at all levels in: (i) national education policies; (ii) curricula; (iii) teacher education; and (iv) student assessments
  • Recycling rate
  • Life cycle Impact assessment (LCIA) e.g. LIME; Lifecycle impact assessment method based on endpoint modelling
  • Levels of poverty in developing communities