Number of countries with biodiversity-relevant charges and fees [BIP]
Number of countries with biodiversity-relevant charges and fees [BIP]
Indicator description
Contracting Parties must report, at least once every five years, on the measures taken to implement their obligations under the International Treaty, pursuant to section V.1 of the “Procedures and operational mechanism to promote compliance and address issues of non-compliance”(Resolution 9/2013).
The reports submitted are published on the website of the International Treaty and they offer useful information to understand positive actions undertaken by Governments to facilitate the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA and some of the limitations. The data is formally updated on 1 February every year for the monitoring of SDG indicator 15.6.1
This Indicator measures progress made by countries in establishing legislative, administrative or policy frameworks on access and benefit-sharing (ABS). By developing their ABS frameworks, countries are contributing to the achievement of Target 15.6 and to the conservation and sustainable use of biological and genetic diversity. Progress in this indicator is assessed through measuring the increase in the number of countries that have adopted ABS legislative, administrative and policy measures and that have made available this information through the Online Reporting System on Compliance of the International Treaty in relation to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.