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Wetland Extent Trends Index [BIP]

Wetland Extent Trends Index [BIP]

Indicator description

The Wetland Extent Trends Index measures trends in wetland area over time, enabling the rate of loss (or growth) of wetland areas to be estimated and gives an indication of the status of wetlands globally. The analysis is based on a database containing over 1,000 wetland extent time-series’ and a methodology was developed to identify and account for thematic and geographic gaps, and conversely, over-representation in the data.

Mapping with SPMS 2015-2023

CMS Target 10

All critical habitats and sites for migratory species are identified and included in area-based conservation measures so as to maintain their quality, integrity, resilience and functioning in accordance with the implementation of Aichi Target 11, supported where necessary by environmentally sensitive land-use planning and landscape management on a wider scale.

CMS Target 11

Migratory species and their habitats which provide important ecosystem services are maintained at or restored to favourable conservation status, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities, and the poor and vulnerable.

Mapping with Sustainable Development Goals

SDG Target 6.6

By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes

Mapping with 4th Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024

Ramsar Target 6

There is a significant increase in area, numbers and ecological connectivity in the Ramsar Site network, in particular under-represented types of wetlands including in under-represented ecoregions and Transboundary Sites.

  • By COP12, 2,186 Ramsar Sites have been designated. (Ramsar Sites database).
  • By COP12 2,085,000 ha of Ramsar Sites have been designated. (Ramsar Sites database).
  • By COP12 [16] transboundary Ramsar Sites have been designated. (Ramsar Secretariat).
  • By COP12, Ramsar Sites have been designated for the following under-represented Ramsar Sites:
    • Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems – [110 Sites]
    • Coral reefs – [96 Sites]
    • Wet grasslands – [517 Sites]
    • Peatlands – [564 Sites]
    • Sea-grass beds – [249 Sites]
    • Mangroves – [280 Sites]
    • Temporary Pools – [729 Sites]
    • Bivalve (shellfish) reefs – [99 Sites]
    • (Ramsar Sites database, June 2015).
  • Number of Ramsar sites that have been designated. (Data source: Ramsar Sites database).
  • Total hectares of Ramsar sites that have been designated. (Data source: Ramsar Sites database).
  • Number of transboundary Ramsar Sites that have been designated. (Data source: Ramsar Sites database).
  • Number of Ramsar Sites designated for the following underrepresented wetland types:
    • Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems – [XXX Sites]
    • Coral reefs – [XXX Sites]
    • Wet grasslands – [XXX Sites]
    • Peatlands – [XXX Sites]
    • Sea-grass beds – [XXX Sites]
    • Mangroves – [XXX Sites] T
    • emporary Pools – [XXX Sites]
    • Bivalve (shellfish) reefs – [XXX Sites]
    • (Data source: Ramsar Sites database).
Ramsar Target 12

Restoration is in progress in degraded wetlands, with priority to wetlands that are relevant for biodiversity conservation, disaster risk reduction, livelihoods and/or climate change mitigation and adaptation.

  • 68% of Parties have identified priority sites for restoration. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 70% of Parties have implemented restoration or rehabilitation programmes. (National Reports to COP12).
  • % of Parties that have established restoration plans [or activities] for sites. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have implemented effective restoration or rehabilitation projects. (Data source: National Reports).

Possible further indicators that may be developed

  • {Outcome-based indicators(s) related to (extent of) wetland restoration possibly including remote sensing as appropriate}.

Mapping with CITES Strategic Vision: 2008-2020

Objective 1.6

Parties cooperate in managing shared wildlife resources.