Number of Contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture [BIP]

Number of Contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture [BIP]
Indicator description
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) is an international law instrument regulating agricultural biodiversity conservation, use and access.
The International Treaty is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatories. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval are deposited with the DG of FAO. It is open for accession by all Members of FAO and any States that are not Members of the UN or any of its specialized agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency.
This Indicator measures the number of countries that have deposited the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession of the ITPGRFA. As of January 2020, the membership is composed of 146 Contracting Parties.The ITPGRFA is one of the United Nations Biodiversity-related Conventions.It contributes directly to the achievement of SDG 2 – by promoting sustainable agriculture and working to end hunger-, and of SDG 15 – by halting the loss of crop biodiversity. In addition, the activities, programs and projects supported by the International Treaty also contribute towards achieving SDG 12, SDG 13, and SDG 1