Protected area coverage [BIP]
Protected area coverage [BIP]
Indicator description
In recognition of the importance of protected areas for the conservation of biodiversity, the Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) aims to establish a comprehensive, ecologically representative, and effectively and equitably managed network of terrestrial and marine protected areas. Aichi Biodiversity Target 11, one of the 20 targets adopted by CBD Parties in 2010, deals specifically with protected areas and aims to protect 17% of the world’s terrestrial and inland water areas and 10% of the world’s marine areas by 2020. This indicator measures progress towards this quantitative element of Target 11.
The protected area coverage indicator measures the policy response to biodiversity loss. An increase in protected area coverage indicates increased efforts by governments and civil society to protect land and sea areas with a view to achieve the long-term conservation of biodiversity with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. The CBD’s Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 aims to protect 17% of the world’s terrestrial and inland water areas and 10% of the world’s marine areas by 2020. This indicator is complemented by other protected area indicators that measure progress towards other elements of Target 11: e.g. how well the planet’s biodiversity is covered by protected areas and how well protected areas are managed.