Goal 2: Parties’ decisions are supported by the best available science and information

Goal 2: Parties’ decisions are supported by the best available science and information
Goal 2: Parties’ decisions are supported by the best available science and information.
In Goal 2, CITES Parties recognize the need to generate and have access to the best available science and information for supporting their trade risk assessments, listing proposals, permitting and enforcement decisions. Among others, information to support the making of non-detriment findings, determining legal acquisition and evaluating the care of live specimens might be found in the scientific literature, population surveys, provenance records or professional literature and standards. Information might equally be held by national and international experts, including the relevant knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities. Further, in cases of uncertainty, either as to the status of a species, or the impact of trade, Parties commit to act in the best interest of the conservation of the species and aim to adopt measures proportionate to the anticipated risks to the species under consideration.