Goal 3: Parties have the tools, resources and capacity to effectively implement and enforce the Convention

Goal 3: Parties have the tools, resources and capacity to effectively implement and enforce the Convention
Goal 3: Parties (individually and collectively) have the tools, resources and capacity to effectively implement and enforce the Convention, contributing to the conservation, sustainable use and the reduction of illegal trade in CITES-listed wildlife species.
Goal 3 recognizes the necessity of appropriately supporting Parties to effectively implement the Convention. It is the CITES Parties that are responsible for ensuring enforcement and consistent application of the Convention’s obligations, and thus ultimately responsible for how effectively the Convention achieves its Vision. Practically, in addition to appropriate resources allocation to each Party internally, full implementation of CITES also demands the provision of timely capacity building and of adequate financial resources. Underlying this goal is the recognition that effective enforcement is key to combatting the threat illegal and unsustainable trade poses to wild flora and fauna. Parties recognize the important role of CITES in global efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of species (including by increasing the capacity of indigenous peoples and local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities), to address both demand and supply of illegal wildlife products, and to tackle organized crime and poor governance, including corruption.