Objective 2.2 Parties cooperate in sharing information

Objective 2.2 Parties cooperate in sharing information
Objective 2.2 Parties cooperate in sharing information and tools relevant to the implementation of CITES.
- Indicator
- Indicator 2.2.1: Number of surveys, studies or other analyses undertaken by exporting countries based on the sources of information cited in Resolution Conf. 16.7 (Rev. CoP17) on Non-detriment findings related to: - the population status of Appendix-II species; - the trends and impact of trade upon Appendix-II species; and - the status of and trend in naturally-occurring Appendix I species and the impact of any recovery plans.
- Indicator 2.2.2: Number and proportion of annual export quotas based on population surveys.
- Indicator 2.2.3: Number of workshops and other capacity-building activities that bring range States together to address the conservation and management needs of shared CITES listed species.
- Indicator 2.2.4: Number of reports shared by the Parties in compliance with the Resolutions of the Convention.
- Indicator 2.2.5: Number of Parties sharing information relevant to the implementation of CITES (e.g. shared databases, data visualization/software, information-sharing focused tools, etc.).
- Indicator 2.2.6: Number of CoP side-events where Parties present information and tools relevant to the implementation of CITES