Strategic objectives

Strategic objectives
As an international body, the Commission is focused on outcomes at a global level. The IPPC is the primary international treaty for protecting global plant resources (including forests, non-cultivated plants and biodiversity) from plant pests and for facilitating the safe movement of plants, plant products and other regulated articles in international trade. The core purpose of the IPPC is to prevent the international spread of plant pests and reduce their impact, but this only matters if it enables the achievement of broader outcomes. Achieving the purpose of the Convention contributes positively to outcomes that are important to the entire world.
The Commission has identified three strategic objectives that capture the major contributions it makes in a global context. While contracting parties and RPPOs cannot be completely accountable for any of the objectives, they can play an important role, and must ensure that efforts stay focused on achieving results in these areas. The three strategic objectives are equally important and the Commission’s work programme must be balanced to ensure that the collective work programme contributes to the achievement of all three objectives.
The Commission’s three strategic objectives are to:
- enhance global food security and increase sustainable agricultural productivity;
- protect the environment from the impacts of plant pests;
- facilitate safe trade, development and economic growth.