D5: Strengthening pest outbreak alert and response systems

D5: Strengthening pest outbreak alert and response systems
A global pest alert and response system to communicate emerging pest risks, so countries can proactively adapt their phytosanitary systems to reduce the risk of introduction, and to strengthen country and regional abilities to respond effectively to pest outbreaks including new incursions
Desired 2030 outcome:
A global pest alert system with mechanisms to evaluate and communicate emerging pest risks is in place, providing regular information to NPPOs on changes in pest status around the world. NPPOs are using this to quickly adapt their phytosanitary systems to reduce the risk of introduction and spread. In the case of outbreaks, strengthened pest outbreak response systems and tools are helping countries take much more timely action, especially against new incursions. NPPOs, RPPOs and the FAO have collaborated to develop and roll out a comprehensive but easy to use toolbox to help countries respond quickly and effectively. RPPOs are playing an active role in assisting NPPOs and are coordinating outbreak responses across their regions.
Activities to be carried out during 2020–2030 could include the following:
- determine and understand the global state of emerging pest risk scanning and reporting at NPPO and RPPO levels, and user requirements for an enhanced pest alert system; continue to work with countries to facilitate the development of pest surveillance systems, based on IPPC standards and other technical guidance, necessary for early detection and response to emerging pest risks;
- develop a system to coordinate the dissemination of information on emerging pest risks and changes in pest status, including establishing common data standards for all countries and regions engaged in this activity;
- set-up a generic system that countries and RPPOs could use to enter and report emerging pest risks, including changes in pest status;
- explore new ways to facilitate timely reporting of new incursions and to remove current barriers that work against proactive pest reporting;
- develop a clear IPPC mandate, policy and structure including, if appropriate, the integration of the Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES) plant health activities into an overall plant health mandate;
- establish a network of phytosanitary emergency response expertise;
- help ensure that expertise and response resources are engaged in a timely manner;
- develop a simple and effective incursion response toolbox that countries can use, including contingency response plans, delimitation methods, diagnostic protocols, containment protocols, lists of lures, attractants and control agents, control options, phytosanitary treatments, etc.;
- facilitate advocacy initiatives with potential donors, to seek support in implementing the incursion response toolbox developed;
- establish a strengthened international pest outbreak response system under the IPPC providing unique opportunities to address catastrophic pest outbreaks, such as the recent outbreak of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Africa, by speedily providing expertise and methodologies for pest eradication. Create an international donor initiative to finance the system, as although the benefits can be substantial, the resources needed to establish and maintain such a system will exceed those currently available to the IPPC Secretariat.