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D1: Harmonization of electronic data exchange

D1: Harmonization of electronic data exchange

Implementing a global system for production and exchange of electronic phytosanitary certificate (ePhyto) information

Desired 2030 outcome:

A global system for production and exchange of electronic phytosanitary certificate information is fully operational and integrated at a country level into trade single windows. The system is supported by a sustainable business model and is self-funded. A significant global effort to implement it in all countries has been completed. The system has strengthened and simplified safe trade in plants and plant products, reducing transaction costs, expediting the clearance of compliant products and eliminating fraud.

Activities to be carried out during 2020–2030 could include the following:

  • successfully establish the IPPC ePhyto hub as the international system for exchange of electronic phytosanitary certificate information;
  • complete establishment of the IPPC generic ePhyto national system for production, sending and receiving of electronic phytosanitary certificate information;
  • where needed, support contracting parties to implement the ePhyto hub and the generic ePhyto national system;
  • investigate the possible in corporation of other databases into the ePhyto hub or associating them with the electronic certification requirements;
  • establish pilot projects for new or improved electronic systems.