D2: Commodity- and pathway-specific ISPMs
D2: Commodity- and pathway-specific ISPMs
ISPMs developed for specific commodities and pathways, with accompanying diagnostic protocols, phytosanitary treatments and guidance
Desired 2030 outcome:
Many new ISPMs have been adopted and implemented for specific commodities and pathways, with, as required, accompanying diagnostic protocols and phytosanitary treatments to support implementation. They provide NPPOs with harmonized phytosanitary measures, which they may use to support their pest risk analysis activities and import regulatory systems, or to establish exportoriented production systems. This has simplified trade and expedited market access negotiations.
Activities to be carried out during 2020–2030 could include the following:
- develop and agree on the structure, format and content of commodity- and pathwayspecific ISPMs and apply these concepts to the development of commodity- or pathwayspecific ISPMs;
- conduct an assessment of the critical factors necessary for an NPPO to effectively implement a commodity standard, and the barriers that have to be overcome;
- agree on the criteria to prioritize a list of commodity- and pathway-specific ISPMs and, if appropriate, establish a work programme for the development of commodity- and pathway-specific ISPMs;
- as part of performance monitoring after implementation, evaluate the economic, trade, food security and environmental benefits delivered by a selection of commodity- or pathway-specific standards;
- intensify current activities relating to phytosanitary treatments;
- as necessary, establish working groups to develop alternative pest risk management approaches for individual pests, pathways or commodities.