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D6: Assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant health

D6: Assessment and management of climate change impacts on plant health

Initiating a work programme to assess and manage the impacts of climate change on plant health and international trade of plants and plant products

Desired 2030 outcome:

The impacts of climate change on plant health and the safe trade of plants and plant products are evaluated, especially in relation to pest risk assessment and pest risk management issues, and phytosanitary issues are adequately reflected in the international climate change debate under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Activities to be carried out during 2020–2030 could include the following:

  • explore how far the Commission needs to address climate change issues and their impact on plant health policies;
  • establish, if appropriate, an appropriate forum for the systematic analysis and discussion of climate change and plant health;
  • develop recommendations with regard to climate change and plant health and, if necessary, of associated guidelines for pest risk analysis and surveillance;
  • mainstream phytosanitary policies into the climate change debate.