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C.1 Indicator on monetary benefits received*

C.1 Indicator on monetary benefits received*

Indicator description

This indicator would aim to measure the amount of monetary benefits received by countries from the implementation of access and benefit-sharing instruments during the reporting period. This indicator could compile, inter alia, monetary benefits received by countries from the implementation of ABS under the Convention, the Nagoya Protocol and other ABS instruments, such as the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the WHO Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework. This indicator would not be relevant for all CBD Parties, as several countries do not require prior informed consent for access to genetic resources and/or do not otherwise receive benefits from ABS agreements. Possible ways to disaggregate the indicator, without adding undue complexity for reporting, would need to be defined (e.g. amount for genetic resources and for traditional knowledge, amount per type or gender of beneficiaries).