TARGET 2. Restore 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems

TARGET 2. Restore 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems
Ensure that by 2030 at least 30 per cent of areas of degraded terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine ecosystems are under effective restoration, in order to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, ecological integrity and connectivity.
- Indicators
Headline indicator:
- 2.2 Area under restoration
Component indicators:
- Extent of natural ecosystems by type
- Maintenance and restoration of connectivity of natural ecosystems
Complementary indicators:
- Habitat distributional range
- Index of Species Rarity Sites, High Biodiversity Areas, Large Mammal Landscapes, Intact Wilderness and Climate Stabilization Areas
- Increase in secondary natural forest cover
- Annual tropical primary tree cover loss
- Forest Landscape Integrity Index
- Global Ecosystem Restoration Index
- Free flowing rivers
- Percentage of cropped landscapes with at least 10 per cent of natural land
- Bioclimatic Ecosystem Resilience Index (BERI)
- Priority retention of intact / wilderness areas
- Status of key biodiversity areas
- Biodiversity Habitat Index
- Red List Index
- Red List of Ecosystems
- Living Planet Index
- Species Habitat Index