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SDG Target 1.b

SDG Target 1.b

Create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies, to support accelerated investment in poverty eradication actions

Mapping with 4th Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024

Ramsar Target 1

Wetland benefits are featured in national/local policy strategies and plans relating to key sectors such as water, energy, mining, agriculture, tourism, urban development, infrastructure, industry, forestry, aquaculture, fisheries at the national and local level.

  • 19% of Parties have made assessment of ecosystem services of Ramsar Sites. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 70% of Parties have included wetland issues within national strategies and planning processes such as water resource management and water efficiency plans. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 47% of Contracting Parties have included wetland issues within National Policies or measures on agriculture. (National Reports to COP12).
  • % of Parties that have made assessment of ecosystem services of Ramsar Sites. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have included wetland issues within national strategies and planning processes such as water resource management and water efficiency plans. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have included wetland issues within National Policies or measures on agriculture. (Data source: National Reports).
Ramsar Target 2

Water use respects wetland ecosystem needs for them to fulfil their functions and provide services at the appropriate scale inter alia at the basin level or along a coastal zone.


70% of Parties have included wetland issues into national strategies and planning processes such as water resource management and water efficiency plans. (National Reports to COP12).

  • % of Parties that have included wetland issues into national strategies and in the planning processes such as for water resource management and water efficiency plans. (Data source: National Reports).

Possible further indicators that may be developed:

  • {% of Ramsar sites which have improved the sustainability of water use in the context of ecosystem requirements}
Ramsar Target 13

Enhanced sustainability of key sectors such as water, energy, mining, agriculture, tourism, urban development, infrastructure, industry, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, when they affect wetlands, contributing to biodiversity conservation and human livelihoods.




Possible further indicators that may be developed

  • {Indicators related to the relevant sectors especially using or linking to relevant Aichi Target indicators and other relevant international processes}.
Ramsar Target 15

Ramsar Regional Initiatives with the active involvement and support of the Parties in each region are reinforced and developed into effective tools to assist in the full implementation of the Convention.

  • By COP12, [15] Regional Initiatives are in operation under the framework of the Ramsar Convention. (Ramsar Secretariat).
  • 68% of Parties have been involved in the development and implementation of a Regional Initiative under the framework of the Convention. (National Reports to COP12).
  • Number of Regional Initiatives successfully implemented. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have been involved in the development and implementation of a Regional Initiative under the framework of the Convention. (Data source: National Reports).
Ramsar Target 18

International cooperation is strengthened at all levels.


Regional Initiatives

  • By COP12, [15] Regional Initiatives are in operation under the framework of the Ramsar Convention. (Ramsar Secretariat).
  • 68% of Parties have been involved in the development and implementation of a Regional Initiative under the framework of the Convention. (National Reports to COP12).

Other aspects of co-operation

  • 35% of Parties have established networks including twinning arrangements nationally or internationally for knowledge sharing and training for wetlands that share common features. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 33% of Parties have effective cooperative management in place for shared wetland systems (for example in shared river basins and coastal zones). (National Reports to COP12).
  • [XX]% of Parties have co-ordination mechanisms for the implementation of MEAs existing at a national level. (Data source: new question for National Reports).
  • At COP12, 168 Parties have acceded to the Ramsar Convention. (Report of the Secretary General to COP12 on the implementation of the Convention, COP12Doc8).
  • At COP12, [16] transboundary Ramsar Sites. (Data source: Ramsar Secretariat).

Regional Initiatives

  • Number of Regional Initiatives successfully implemented. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have been involved in the development and implementation of a Regional Initiative under the framework of the Convention. (Data source: National Reports).

Other aspects of co-operation

  • % of Parties that have established networks including twinning arrangements nationally or internationally for knowledge sharing and training for wetlands that share common features. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties that have effective cooperative management in place for shared wetland systems (for example in shared river basins and coastal zones). (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties where co-ordination mechanisms for the implementation of MEAs exist at a national level. (Data source: new question for National Reports).
  • Number of Parties which have acceded to the Ramsar Convention. (Data Source: National Reports).
  • Total number of transboundary Ramsar Sites. (Data source: Ramsar Sites Database).