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SDG Target 9.5

SDG Target 9.5

Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending

Mapping with CBD - Aichi Targets

Aichi Target 1

By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably.

Aichi Target 2

By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes and are being incorporated into national accounting, as appropriate, and reporting systems.

Aichi Target 3

By 2020, at the latest, incentives, including subsidies, harmful to biodiversity are eliminated, phased out or reformed in order to minimize or avoid negative impacts, and positive incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are developed and applied, consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other relevant international obligations, taking into account national socio economic conditions.

Aichi Target 17

By 2015 each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan.

Mapping with 4th Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024

Ramsar Target 3

The public and private sectors have increased their efforts to apply guidelines and good practices for the wise use of water and wetlands.

  • 50% of Parties report actions taken to implement incentive measures that encourage the conservation and wise use of wetlands. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 37% of Parties report actions taken to remove perverse incentive measures that discourage conservation and wise use of wetlands. (National Reports to COP12).
  • 60% of Parties report private sector undertaking activities for the conservation, wise use and management of wetlands in general. (National Reports to COP12).
  • % of Parties have national Ramsar Committees that include both governmental and non-governmental representation. (Data source: new question for National Reports).
  • % of Parties reporting actions taken to implement incentive measures that encourage the conservation and wise use of wetlands. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties reporting actions taken to remove perverse incentive measures that discourage conservation and wise use of wetlands. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties reporting private sector undertaking activities for the conservation, wise use and management of wetlands in general. (Data source: National Reports).
  • % of Parties having national Ramsar Committees that include both governmental and non-governmental representation. (Data source: new question for National Reports).
Ramsar Target 14

Scientific guidance and technical methodologies at global and regional levels are developed on relevant topics and are available to policy makers and practitioners in an appropriate format and language.

  • In 2015, [543] ‘hits’ on scientific and technical guidance pages of the Ramsar web-site. (Data source: Google Analytics Ramsar web-site, May-June, 2015).
  • In 2015, [60] ‘hits’ on STRP briefing notes from the Ramsar web-site. (Data source: Google Analytics Ramsar web-site, May-June, 2015)).
  • In 2015, [176] ‘hits’ of relevant Ramsar Handbooks downloaded from the Ramsar web-site (Data source: Google Analytics Ramsar web-site, May-June, 2015).
  • In 2015, [150} practical tools and guidance documents for wetland conservation and wise use, and other key scientific documentation, which has been developed by either STRP, Parties and others, and is available via the Ramsar website. (Data source: Ramsar web-site).
  • Number of ‘hits’ on scientific and technical guidance pages of the Ramsar web-site and associated subtotals by country and Ramsar Region of the source of these hits. (Data source: Ramsar web-site analytics).
  • Number of STRP briefing papers downloaded from the Ramsar website and subtotals by country and Ramsar Region of the source of these downloads. (Data source: Ramsar web-site analytics).
  • Number of relevant Ramsar Handbooks downloaded from the Ramsar web-site and subtotals by country and Ramsar Region of the source of these downloads. (Data source: Ramsar web-site analytics).
  • Number of practical tools and guidance documents for wetland conservation and wise use, and other key scientific documentation, which has been developed by either STRP, Parties and others, and is available via the Ramsar website. (Data source: Ramsar web-site).

Possible further indicators that may be developed

  • {Indicator(s) related to the use of guidance and availability in various language versions}.