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SDG Target 17.14

SDG Target 17.14

Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development

Mapping with CBD - Aichi Targets

Aichi Target 2

By 2020, at the latest, biodiversity values have been integrated into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies and planning processes and are being incorporated into national accounting, as appropriate, and reporting systems.

Aichi Target 17

By 2015 each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan.

Mapping with CITES Strategic Vision: 2021-2030

Objective 4.1 Parties support sustainable wildlife trade policies

Objective 4.1 Parties support sustainable wildlife trade policies, especially those that increase the capacity of Indigenous peoples and local communities to pursue livelihoods.

  • Indicator 4.1.1: Number of CITES-listed species for which Parties have designed/implemented relevant sustainable wildlife management policies.
  • Indicator 4.1.2: Percentage of Parties that co-developed or otherwise supported the capacity of indigenous peoples and local communities to pursue livelihoods.


Objective 4.2 The importance of achieving CITES’ aim as a contribution to achieving the relevant SDGs, as well as the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, is recognized

Objective 4.2 The importance of achieving CITES’ aim as a contribution to achieving the relevant Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, is recognized.

  • Indicator 4.2.1: Number of Parties incorporating CITES into their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), also included in the global and national Strategies for Plant Conservation under CBD programme.
Objective 4.3 Awareness of the role, purpose and achievements of CITES is increased globally

Objective 4.3 Awareness of the role, purpose and achievements of CITES is increased globally.

  • Indicator 4.3.1: Number of new, unique visits to the CITES website.
  • Indicator 4.3.2: Number of Parties with information on CITES and its requirements on their official websites.
  • Indicator 4.3.3: Number of followers on CITES social media platforms.
  • Indicator 4.3.4: Number of key identified hashtags (e.g. #cites, #citescop19 #worldwildlifeday, etc.) on CITES social media.
  • Indicator 4.3.5: Number of events submitted to the World Wildlife Day website.
Objective 4.4 CITES Parties are informed of international actions for sustainable development

Objective 4.4 CITES Parties are informed of international actions for sustainable development that may have a bearing on achieving the goal of CITES.

  • Indicator 4.4.1: Number of meetings/CoP where representatives of other international bodies report on relevant activities to CITES Parties.
  • Indicator 4.4.2: Events, documents and presentations, etc. delivered by other intergovernmental bodies and fora in meetings convened by the CITES Secretariat.
  • Indicator 4.4.3: Number of Notifications to the Parties issued by the CITES Secretariat relating to international actions for sustainable development that may have a bearing on achieving the goal of CITES.
Objective 5.1 Parties and the Secretariat support and enhance existing cooperative partnerships

Objective 5.1 Parties and the Secretariat support and enhance existing cooperative partnerships in order to achieve their identified objectives. 

  • Indicator 5.1.1: Number of Parties which report that they have achieved synergies in their implementation of CITES, other biodiversity-related conventions and other relevant multilateral environmental, trade and development agreements.
  • Indicator 5.1.2: Number of Parties cooperating / collaborating with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to participate in and/or fund CITES workshops and other training and capacity-building activities.
  • Indicator 5.1.3: Number of cooperative actions taken under established bilateral or multilateral agreements to prevent species from being unsustainably exploited through international trade.
  • Indicator 5.1.4: Number of times other relevant international organizations and agreements dealing with natural resources are consulted on issues relevant to species subject to unsustainable trade.
  • Indicator 5.1.5: Number of implemented cooperation agreements between the Secretariat and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAS), including the Biodiversity Liaison Group (BLG) and other biodiversity-related Conventions.
Objective 5.2 Parties encourage the formation of new, innovative and mutually sustainable alliances between CITES and relevant international partners

Objective 5.2 Parties encourage the formation of new, innovative and mutually sustainable alliances between CITES and relevant international partners, where appropriate to advance CITES’ objective and mainstream conservation and of sustainable use of biodiversity.

  • Indicator 5.2.1: Number of alliances between CITES and relevant international partners to advance CITES objective and mainstream conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
Objective 5.3 Cooperation between CITES and international financial mechanisms and other related institutions is enhanced

Objective 5.3 Cooperation between CITES and international financial mechanisms and other related institutions is enhanced in order to support activities that contribute to CITES implementation and enforcement.

  • Indicator 5.3.1: Number of Parties funded by international financial mechanisms and other related institutions to develop activities that include CITES-related conservation and sustainable development elements.
  • Indicator 5.3.2: Number of countries and institutions that have provided additional funding from CITES Authorities to another country or activity for conservation and sustainable development projects in order to further the objectives of the Convention.